Institute Personnel > Publications > Lalas Stavros
  Publications - Lalas Stavros
Extraction and identification of natural antioxidant from the seeds of Moringa oleifera tree variety of Malawi
  (2002). Lalas S. and Tsaknis J. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 79 (7), 677-683.
Characterisation of Moringa stenopetala seed oil variety "Marigat" from island Kokwa
  (2003). Lalas S., Tsaknis J., and Sflomos K. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 105 (1), 23-31.
Detection of olive oil adulteration using principal component analysis applied on total and regio FA content
  (2003). Dourtoglou V., Dourtoglou Th., Antonopoulos A., Stefanou E., Lalas S. and Poulos C. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 80 (3), 203-208.
Use of rosemary extract in preventing oxidation during deep fat frying of potato chips
  (2003). Lalas S. and Dourtoglou V. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 80 (6), 579-583.
Methanolic extract of Verbascum macrurum as a source of natural preservatives against oxidative rancidity
  (2003). Aligiannis N., Mitaku S., Tsitsa-Tsardis E., Harvala C., Tsaknis I., Lalas S., and Haroutounian S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (25), 7308-7312.
Extraction and identification of natural antioxidant from Sideritis euboea (mountain tea)
  (2005). Tsaknis J. and Lalas S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (16), 6375-6381.
Physicochemical changes of olive oil and selected vegetable oils during frying
  (2006). Chatzilazarou A., Gortzi O., Lalas S., Zoidis E. and Tsaknis J. Journal of Food Lipids, 13 (1), 27-35. Η δημοσίευση αυτή ανακηρύχτηκε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Blackwell Publishing ως η καλύτερη για το έτος 2006 στον τομέα των λιπιδίων τροφίμων (Food Lipids).
Application of cloud point extraction using surfactants in the isolation of physical antioxidants (phenols) from olive mill wastewater
  (2006). E. Katsoyannos, A. Chatzilazarou, O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, Sp. Konteles and P. Tataridis. Fresenious Environmental Bulletin, 15 (9B), 1122-1125.
Frying stability of Moringa stenopetala seed oil
  (2006). Lalas S., Gortzi O. and Tsaknis J. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 61 (2), 99-108.
Reevaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Thymus spp. extracts before and after encapsulation in liposomes
  (2006). O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, I. Chinou and J. Tsaknis. Journal of Food Protection, 69 (12), 2998-3005.
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